many of us wonder how to navigate conflict
with our family, neighbourhood, church or denomination
in a spirit of love, and faithfulness TO GOD
but without losing our values
SPIRITUAL FORMATION THROUGH CONFLICT. Too often, in the midst of conflict, we become stuck in default ways of behaviour, which harm others, the church, and Christ's witness to the world. But what if conflict could be seen as an opportunity for spiritual formation, and the development of Christian virtue? What if our deepest divisions are invitations from God to grow into the mature body of Christ? Join a monthly online learning community led by Daniel DeVries, Marijke Strong, and special speakers like Chris DeVos from the Colossian Forum. Email Marijke to learn more: [email protected]. |
In September, 2018, several Canadians traveled to Holland, Michigan, to participate in the Colossian Forum Conference.
We learned about healthy conflict, about moving toward one another without losing our values, about anger, about how to create a holding environment for difficult conversations, and much more! |
Click HERE to find out more about the Colossian Forum.
And click HERE to read an article written by Rev. Daniel DeVries
about his experience at the Forum. |